OMES 4D MHz-OCT System

The Optores Megahertz system (OMES) is a complete OCT imaging solution that combines Optores' groundbreaking FDML laser and GPU processing technology to a turnkey research OCT system. With speeds beyond of 1.5 MHz, OMES provides continuous "4D" video-rate OCT to visualize three-dimensional sample structure in real time.

OMES are turnkey systems that are fully functional right out of the box while providing true research-grade access to raw data when needed.

OMES datasheet

This video shows live human finger imaging to illustrate OMES' real-time capabilities.

Scan Head

Each OCT system comes with a customizable 3D-scanning sample arm head. A microscope-like stand provides axial travel for easy focusing.

320 Scan Head 2

OMES OCT Imaging Module

The Optores OMES OCT imaging module provides automated control of the most important factors that influence OCT performance, while still giving direct access when needed.


Unique features

Blazing speed
Sometimes you just need that cutting-edge speed – OMES is the only system on the market to deliver, process and visualize OCT at OCT speeds of more than one Megahertz.
OMES is designed to work – simply turn on and enjoy the benefits of MHz-OCT.
Powerful 4D-OCT
More than 20 OCT volumes per second, continuously acquired and displayed.
Full access to data
While OMES is a turnkey system, the user can access OCT data in all desired formats.
Optores will be happy to optimize OMES hardware and software for your particular application. OMES' modular architecture enables many solutions that are not feasible with other OCT systems.
Proven technology
OMES is based on application-proven core components, the FDML wavelength-swept laser and the Optores GPU OCT library OGOP.